Friday, November 29, 2019

AIDS And STD Education Essays - Sexual Health, Prevention Of HIVAIDS

AIDS and STD Education Adults (over the age of 18) from the _________ company and other peope who I know were randomly assigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males and females as well as single male and females. There are 19 female and 31 male subjects. A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexually transmitted disease and HIV infection. The survey was designed by myself . The purpose of the survey is to measure participants awareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. I am trying to show that people are not well informed about subjects such as condom use, condom use and alcohol, transmission of sexual diseases, and the magnitude of the AIDS problem. Subjects are asked to choose the level with which they agree or disagree with each statement. There are two levels of agreement and two levels of disagreement. See appendix A. A consent form was signed by all participants. See appendix B. Results t-test*: t (48) = -2.2185, p * .0313 | | | df cv pv Variable N Mean Std Dev. Minimum Maximum Q1 50 1.420 0 .810 1.00 4.00 Q10 49 1.408 0.810 1.00 4.00 Q15 50 1.320 0 .621 1.00 4.00 Q3 48 3.396 0.869 1.00 4.00 Q9 50 3.240 0.822 1.00 4.00 Q6 50 3.220 0.834 1.00 4.00 Q16 50 3.100 0.621 1.00 4.00 Methods Subjects Adults (over the age of 18) from the company and other people who I know were randomly assigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males and females as well as single male and females. There are 19 female and 21 male subjects. Ages ranged from late teens to early fifties, with the majority being in their twenties. Independent variable Questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 on the survey. I would be comfortable eating lunch with someone with HIV or AIDS. I would be comfortable shaking hands with someone who has AIDS. I am very well informed about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. I would not have unprotected sex with someone unless they got tested first. Dependent Variable. Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Operational Definition Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease equals a total score of 12 or higher on questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 of the survey. Procedures A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexually transmitted disease and AIDS was given to fifty subjects. A t test was performed on the results as well as a comparison of male vs. Female scores on the Awareness and Education variable. Discussion Results of the survey have shown a need for additional education of males concerning AIDS awareness and education. Females, (89%) did very well on the variable which was measured for satisfactory knowledge and awareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Males, (65%) did also score well on this variable. This leaves us with 35% of the males needing more education and 11% of the females needing to increase there awareness and education. The rather large number of males needing further education tend to support my hypotheses that yes more education is necessary. I was pleased to see that on the whole, people are better informed than I had originally hypothesized as demonstrated by the scores reported for specific question. The lowest score or strongest disagreement was on the statement that AIDS was no longer a big issue. People also realize that just having one sex partner at a time is not enough to protect you from AIDS as demonstrated by their response to number 10. The strongest agreement with statements on the survey concerned worrying about children's future. This being the case, why is it that behavior as is described in my research does not reflect this knowledge? People know what they need to do to reduce their chances of exposure to AIDS and sexually transmitted disease but they fail to do it. The research concentrated on students who are exposed to much more information about AIDS than adults who are out of the educational system. Further education about the dangers of unprotected sex is needed as the study suggest, but we also need to understand why education is not enough. We desperately need to develop behaviors which will protect us from sexually transmitted disease and AIDS. Education Needed for AIDS, HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases are a major health concern for our country. With the spread of AIDS among so many people, both gay and heterosexual, it is important that we understand how these diseases spread and what we can do to prevent them. Continuing efforts to educate college students about the dangers of unprotected sex have resulted in little evidence of positive change in sexual behavior (Saywer & Moss, 93). During the 1980s, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Vasco da Gama

The explorations and accomplishments of Vasco da Gama changed Portugal from a poor nation to one of the worlds greatest powers. His persona and exploits distinguished him as an influential pioneer who helped shape Portugal as a nation for the next 100 years. Vasco da Gama was born sometime in the 1460s near the Portuguese capital of Lisbon. Born into a wealthy and respected family of high-ranking soldiers, Gama also trained to be a soldier, although he was more interested in boats and navigation. When Gama was appointed to man an African slave boat on a small mission, he showed his skills as a navigator and was eventually promoted to captain. Over time, Gama became known as a talented navigator. Gama set out on his most important journey on July 8, 1497, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope to find a sea route to India. Portugal was hoping to establish direct trade with India to avoid the high tariffs charged by Arabs, who controlled trade throughout the Mediterranean at the time. The lucrative spice trade would increase Portugals wealth immeasurably. Gama consulted Bartolomeu Dias, the only man to sail around the Cape, about potential dangers and the most efficient way of circling the Cape. Dias advised him to go in a large arc to avoid coastal tides and fierce storms. He also told him, One more thing. Watch your men for mutiny. If my own hadnt rebelled I might have reached India seven years ago (Syme 21) . This advice saved Gama time and prevented possible catastrophe. Gama was at sea for over three months without seeing land, the longest period ever experienced by a crew, and was not threatened by mutiny. This was because he had the trust and respec! t of his crew, without which he would have been unable to complete his mission to find the route to India. Gama set off with four ships, the Sao Gabriel which carried about 240 tons, the Sao Rafael , 200 tons, the Sao Maria,150 to...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Questionare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questionare - Assignment Example There is no time limit, but do not debate for a long time over each item. ALL questions are mandatory. By completing the following section you agree that the data you give can be used for research, which will help to improve future versions of this questionnaire. No individual will be identified in any research results. If you do not want your data to be used in this way please do not complete this section and move on to the questionnaire. 1. Save this document on your computer by clicking on the â€Å"File† menu and choosing â€Å"Save As†. Give the document a name and choose a location (e.g. My Documents) to save the document on your computer. Click "Save" to save the questionnaire. 2. Open your email software and create a new email message. Attach the document saved in the previous step and send the email to (you do not need to include any subject line or text in the email). For information on how to attach a file to your email please see the documentation for your email software or contact your administrator. 3. You should receive an email confirming that your results have been received within 30 minutes of submitting the questionnaire. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please check that your system has sent the email and that the questionnaire was enclosed as an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Role of Human Resource Management in a Healthcare System with Research Paper

The Role of Human Resource Management in a Healthcare System with Employee Unions - Research Paper Example Employee unions in the U.S grew from 1950 to 1970 during which industrialization was at its peak (Shi and Singh, 2008). Towards the end of 1980s and 1990s, Malvey (2010) believes there was a change in this trend because the U.S economy was taking a different direction of production; from manufacturing industries to service industries, hence the decline in the number of workers registered under unions. This research paper presents the role played by HR management in improving the general delivery of healthcare services and patient outcomes in organizations that have employee unions. Methods This research paper was compiled with help from published literature. Data collection was through secondary sources. Results This paper is expected to reveal the role played by HR management in organizations that have employee unions and health organizations in general. The Role of HR Management in a Healthcare System with Employee Unions This section describes the specific work areas in which the roles of HR management are integrated to ensure that these aspects are taken into consideration during any organizational activity. Labor Unions and Healthcare Labor unions have one major objective: to protect the rights of the members and ensure their fair treatment (Dessler, 2012). The early 1990s saw a rise in unions due to industrialization and persistent unfair employee treatment by the management in the U.S. According to Dessler (2012, p. 404), the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was passed in 1935 and it protected workers’ rights to formation of unions, defined labor practices that were unfair and formed the National Labor Relations Board liable for NLRA regulatory oversight. A shift in the U.S economy from manufacturing to service during the 1980s and 1990s saw a decline in union membership following a remarkable rise that saw 25% of the U.S workforce represented by unions between 1950 and 1970 (Malvey, 2010). Healthcare industry is a target service sector by unio n leaders for they feel it is an untapped potential union membership source. According to Malvey (2010), the healthcare sector had 12.9% of its workers registered under unions in the year 2000, a percentage that rose in 2009 to 13.6%. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) formed a separate union in 2007, SEIU Healthcare, which happens to be the largest national union (Dessler, 2012). This union represents nursing, hospital, long-term care and other outpatient facilities while those representing physicians are associated with SEIU. The largest union of nurses sin the United States is the National Nurses United (NNU) which was formed when three unions, the United American Nurses, the California Nurses Association, and the National Nurses Organizing Committee, merged and it represents an estimated 150,000 members (Dessler, 2012). The role played by the HR department and management is to engage in labor negotiations with these labor unions in order to provide employee ample t ime and place for work. Handling of Legal, Ethical, and Healthcare Safety Issues In all organizations all employees at different levels must understand the basic and ethical values that have particular effects in the healthcare working environment (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright, 2011). The legal relationship that exists between the healthcare institution and the client, or rather the nurse practitioner and the patient is the back-bone relationship of all medicares. It is not just the law’s requirement that healthcare providers maintain ethical behaviors but this must be addressed as the medical industry is full of tough situations that involve ethical problems.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leardeship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leardeship - Essay Example This has made me to spend my time studying and reading motivational books that has really expanded my horizon and changed my perspective about life. The Law of Process has been enacted in my life as I have learnt that life is a transformational phase as I have developed over time. Just like the world is not stagnant, my life has evolved over time and now I believe in the Law of Process. The first law, which is the Law of the Lid is the one that I have found out that I am relatively weak in. The Law of the Lid as postulated by John Maxwell states that, one’s leadership ability is the lid that decides how effective one would be in the position of leadership (Maxwell). I have never been a leader before and this makes me feel that I don’t have any leadership quality. The Law of the Lid also postulates that, talented people would make effective leaders and I feel that I am not talented enough for the position of leadership. This is actually a feeling and I would have to work on this weakness in order to increase my effectiveness in this regard. I would believe more in myself and I would have the I CAN attitude. I believe by doing this, I would have worked on my weakness and increase my level of effectiveness as a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impacts of Placing Children in Foster Care

Impacts of Placing Children in Foster Care PLACING CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE All the children have a right to a better existence. It is the responsibility of the state to make sure that all the youngsters grow up in the best environment. Parents and guardians should always act as role models to their kids. Therefore, it is necessary to take away children from their homes and place them in the care of the state to guard them from exploitation and neglect from their parents. The new environment where they are placed would help influence their positive development. Potential ethical issues Protection of confidence: when implementing the new strategy many times the confidence among the two parties might be violated. There may be situations in which the information raised in a secret conversation with the child can be breached. In the circumstances of child abuse an individual may take the responsibility of sharing the information with other people in order to guard the child (Barber, 2004). One might decide to share the issue with another expert like the boss, and the child protection guide. Breaching the kids’ privacy might be a violation of the law, however, when the child makes a revelation of the abuse or the problems they are facing then one should be worried that the child is in danger of harm. The violation of the child’s privacy can be very essential at this point since the kid might be suffering from the offenses done by their parents or guiders. Therefore, the only way to make certain that the problem is addressed and the child is taken good care off is through reporting of the matter. Through the raising of the concern the youngster’s privacy would have been violated but for the benefits of the child. Conflict of interest: a conflict of attention entails the real mistreatments or the possibility of abuse of the faith that people have on other or experts. It is a state of affairs in which other individual considerations have the possibility to negotiate on the judgment and impartiality. The conflict of interest occurs when a person, for instance the parent or guardian believes that the expert ruling is probable to be cooperation (Bloom, 2010). The liable person might only think that the judgment made concerning the abuse of the child is a biased one. He or she might always want a consideration to be made and negotiations to be included in the procedures where they can be allowed to take back the child. They believe that the involved parties could easily be compromised into making a decision that best suits them. Unnecessary family division: when a home has many reported cases of mistreatments and child abuse the policy allows for separation. The child will be taken away from the family and they might be taken by a foster care service. They might be taken, it until when the offenders have been proven to be free of the charges they are facing (Pine, 2007). The taking away of the affected youngster is of great importance in enhancing the individuals’ growth. In addition, taking away the children from the residence helps to decrease the extent that the kid is uncovered to such violence. By this means, the technique will assist in reducing hostility in the young person. Representation for clients with reduced cognitive ability: during the implementation of the strategy measures should be kept in place to ensure that full representation is applied. The entire individual involved in the case should be signified in the judgment. Those customers who cannot speak for themselves should be symbolized by relative or legal experts (Zlotnick, 2013). There should be an expert who must be in a position to prove their client’s capability and if possible they should present some legal documents. When the children are very young to provide the details of the incident, then they require an expert or another person to represent them. Parents or guiders might also need a representative if they are mentally challenged or when they are not in the right state to represent them. With the proper representation, then the correct judgment that would be beneficial to the child can be achieved. Impacts Reduced juvenile offenses: the implementation of the policy will place a major role in decreasing youth crimes. By taking out the children from violent homes to the institutions where they can be brought up properly helps in enhancing their positive growth. The new environment where there are not incidences of mistreatments and all other forms of abuse make them less aggressive and hospitable. Therefore, when the youngsters are well brought up they would learn to stay away from criminal activities (Wilgocki, 2002). This development most likely to be reflected in the future when they become adults. Since the youngsters will be well brought up, then there can be no cases of crimes in the society in the prospect. Good child growth: the children, who are brought up in homes with domestic aggression and where that parents abuse alcohol or other drugs have a bad growth. They tend to have a negative development where they adopt their parents or guardian behaviors. However, when the youngsters are removed from those houses they associate with other children and populaces. Through the process of interaction they learn and acquire good behaviors which positively impact of their developments. Negative consequence One, the unexceptional cost to the taxpayers: when the society starts to remove the youngsters from their houses and placing the complete load of raising them to the government. Only because an individual in the residence had drug charge and a domestic violence crime, the government would rapidly run out of areas to house the children. The state would be left with no other option rather than to raise the price of taxpayers in order to sustain the children and to house them. Two, putting the kids in an overcrowded situation that might happen from the execution of this rule would do more damage to the children than good. Not all adolescents that are placed in advanced care are there owing to awful parenting. Some of these children end up in that place since their parents could no longer manage their actions (Pine, 2007). All parents or guardians who misplace their kids might not have similar amounts of crime. With this the children from improved environment run the danger of being skilled via a similar social theory actions and violence from the other children. Because people and their performances, they take are resulted from the information increased from watching others and life experiences. Three, the complete disentanglement of the family unit: the children that are placed in these circumstances would mature with a reduced sense of family belongings and worth. The reduced sense of family is because more kids could be taken away under this rule than they could have wished to be located as districts of the state. Many could have wanted to be located with those children from their regions whose relatives would have loved and taken better care. According to Bloom (2010), the Texas further care change plan, notes that when youngsters attain 18 years they are denied government assistance. In addition, they also lack the support schemes to rely on. This frequently pushes them into the criminal justice scheme, since they do not get sufficient education while in the organization to be able to purpose separately. The majority of them have mental and emotional issues yet they are freed into the world to find themselves. They have difficult moments not submitting to poverty, homelessness, criminalization, unwanted pregnancies and illnesses. The impacts of persons engaged in these circumstances are big. Criminals might have to get time out of job to finish all the agendas that could be needed. The kids of otherwise caring parents removed from them and propelled to odd settings getting mental challenges along the way from being shifted to diverse areas (Barber, 2004). They could also get a negative sense of personality value. The cou rt schemes would be very packed than they previously are sourcing extra taxpayer’s cash to be used on more workers. Therefore, considering the above scenarios, this rule should be deemed as ethical. Because there are many dangers of revolving a partially bad state into a much inferior circumstance for the child concerned. The department misinterpreted the theory since it botched to take into thought that some youngsters learn bad behavior and violence other sources beside their parents. References Barber, James G., and Paul H. Delfabbro. (2004) . Children in foster care. Routledge Bloom, Debra. (2010). Foster care. Green haven Press Pine, Jeune, and Suzanne McCall. (2007) Understanding looked after children an introduction to psychology for foster care. Jessica Kingsley Wilgocki, Jennifer, and Marcia Kahn Wright. (2002). Maybe days: a book for children in foster care. Magination Press Zlotnick, Cheryl. (2013). Children living in transition helping homeless and foster care children and families. Columbia University Press

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Glimpse of Culture From the Eyes of an Engineer :: Personal Narrative Cultural Essays

The 8:50 a.m. bell rings. Thirty faces look up at the board. "The Refrigeration cycle begins with refrigerant R-134a proceeding to ..." Most pencils are hard at work, taking diligent notes. Some students stare into the board, attempting to imprint the entire schematic of the Refrigeration cycle into their memories. Others take a shot of Mountain Dew to clear the mental passages, or wake up from the previous evening. Concentration levels run high, as we all endeavor to excel at what we have been doing for the last several years -- pursuing an engineering degree. Each student in that Thermodynamics classroom had by this point in his or her undergraduate engineering career settled comfortably into the American engineering lifestyle. We had all gone through Statics as freshman, struggled with Dynamics as sophomores, and went on to tackle the curriculum that lay ahead. Gradually many of us became involved in campus organizations or committees. We bought organizer calendars, and watched the days fill up with meetings and activities that quenched our thirst for involvement and drove us to achieve in and out of the classroom. We dove into the crazy, driven and exciting pace of life at a very reputable Big Ten University, ready to reap all of the benefits that an undergraduate degree has to offer. As one of the thirty students in that very classroom, I had come to know this lifestyle well. To me it was the best and most intense of all worlds that I had seen up to that point in life, and it was the most satisfying. Yet being comfortable in the realm of undergraduate engineering arose in me a curiosity about other worlds. The curiosity developed into an urge to deviate from the well-founded path, and risk stepping into a complete unknown. The wheels began to turn, the plans formed, and several semesters later I was sitting in a somewhat different classroom. The students numbered around 60. They sat at long desks, ten seats in a row, elbow to elbow. Their style of dress was similar to what I knew, though there was not a baseball cap to be found on top of anyone's brow. They sat attentively, pens in hand, paper ready for taking serious notes. The professor stood before the room, waiting as stragglers walked in. No bell rang to signify the start of class. When enough stragglers had made it in, the professor walked over to the door and shut it.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Prevention can be taken to mean, a process of offering advice, guiding and educating a certain group of people in the name of promoting their well being in the society. It is a critical decision one makes to meet the choice aimed at meeting ones challenges of life by creating a condition favorable to promote good lifestyles and healthy behaviors. Prevention of diseases involves three levels, according to the stages of the target disease (Sieving 1997). They are primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Primary level is the process by which various methods are used in to avoid a person initiating a p disease (Piccinino   1998). They are used prior to that person getting the disease. Methods used in this level would be like, campaigns from public service, school and community programs and of course constant communication with the intended group. This helps in avoidance of the disease. According to (Sieving 1997) the second level of prevention is the secondary level that is used in the early stages of disease detection. In this case the disease has already occurred in the person but the patient is not aware the main objective of this level is to detect and treat the disease early enough. Tertiary level of prevention aims at reducing the negative consequences of the disease already in the person. It helps to slow down the rate of spreading the infections or complications in that it prevents pain from the disease. Public health programs are the set activities by the government or other organizations with intentions of meeting certain objectives in health prevention. Health programs aims at reducing incidences of diseases, improving the social conditions of a person .One of the most common activity in the health programs is vaccination. Public health programs go hand in hand with levels of prevention. One of the major problems today is how to cope with the high rate of adolescent pregnancy. This issue can be addressed by using various programs to create awareness. It can also fit in all the levels of prevention though sutes best in the primary level of prevention. Despite the fact that the teen rate of pregnancy has declined by a big margin in U.S. Since early 1990s, it is said and justified that over 1 million Americans adolescent girls get pregnant. Many of these pregnancies are usually accidental or unplanned though others are usually intended It is said that about fifty percent of teenage girls who were once pregnant become pregnant again within two years. It is also said that the second baby of the teenage girl is usually at a risk of being underweight and at the same time there is the high chance of drop out in school. (Piccinino 1998) There are a number of public health programs that are being developed at least from each level of prevention targeted to children and adolescent boys and mainly girls. According to (Aboma 1998) &( Joseph 1999) This may include abstinence programs, school-based sexuality programs, Involvement by the community, family planning clinics, school-based programs and public healthcare programs. (Aboma 1997) Many of these programs call for either abstinence or use of contraceptives. Abstain ace could be the best method however, adolescents don’t take it as a reality .Some institutions have criticized the issue of using contraceptives arguing that it promotes sexual engagement.( Piccinino 1998) observes   that,   a survey has shown that contraceptives like condoms do not motivate teens to engage in sex and thus they should be introduced in schools. The initiative by the community can help reduces the high rate of illiteracy .Parents have a greater influence on their adolescents on either becoming pregnant or impregnating. Parents communicating with their children freely about issues they come across like sex, relationships and love ( Aboma 1998). As parents one should talk to them what you feel about this issues, be honest to them have courage to tell them the truth that having an early pregnancy is risky to both the child and the teenage herself. In case she is already pregnant, let her know her responsibilities like visiting a prenatal care center, avoid drugs especially smoking and to eat nutritional food (Sonenstein 1998). Parents ought to be opening minded and begin a talk concerning these issues; if you are not capable, use other methods like letting them watch a video or a movie. There is the need to super vice your children as they grow up to adolescence and give them lots of guidance counseling (Sonenstein 1998). This should be for both the boy and the girl .The secondary and tertiary level of prevention could constitute the issues of caring for the born child and more so the teen. There is the need to have programs that will address this issue. The tertiary level of prevention can really help at this stage (Aboma 1997). There is the importance developing programs that would look at issues of child-rearing responsibilities, relationships with their friends and the rest of the community. Educational activity programs, counseling and life skills training need to be developed (Sieving 1997). These educational programs would include offering remedial classes for the teen parents, family planning, parenting skills, food and nutritional advices for both the child and the mother In conclusion, prevention is a process involved in offering guidance and educating a certain group of people with an aim of promoting their wellbeing. It has three levels consisting of the primary level-prevents occurring of diseases, secondary level-aimed at detecting early diseases and tertiary-help the patient cope with the already established problem. In the case of the teenage pregnant group, all the three levels of prevention can help them to cope with the situation, and even prevent further occurrences if proper programs are put in place. References Aboma CD (1999). State-Specific Pregnancy Rates Among Adolescents—United States, 1992-1998, Oxford University press. pp 45-67, 77 Aboma JC, Chandra A, Mosher WD, Peterson LS, Piccinino LJ (1997.). Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health, New York. Abma J, Driscoll A, Moore K. (1998). Young Women’s Degree of Control over First Intercourse: An Exploratory Analysis. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):12-18. 1998. Piccinino LJ, Mosher WD (1998.). Trends in Contraceptive Use in the United States: 1982-1998. Family Planning Perspectives, Oxford University press: 4-10, 46 Sieving R, Shew M, Ireland M, Bearinger L, Udry JR (.1997.)   Protecting Adolescents from Harm: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health. London pp57-97 Sonenstein FL, Ku L, Lindberg LD, Turner DF, Pleck JH (1998.). Changes in Sexual Behavior and Condom Use among Teenaged feMales: 1988 to 1996.   London.pp 956-959, Ventura SJ, Mathews TJ, Curtin SC. (1998) Teenage Births in the United States: New York pp 66-79.      

Friday, November 8, 2019

Implementing Change

Implementing Change Free Online Research Papers Change is very important for the future growth of a successful business. Leaders of organizations must analyze whether are not their organization will be able to change with the times, due to the organizational demands, society, and economic shifts. Former Chief Executive Officer of Gene One, the late Don Ruiz, was developing an effective plan to implement positive organizational change. Mr. Ruiz wanted to establish the company as a strong competitor. Therefore, Ruiz decided to go public by turning Gene one into an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 3 years. Due to Mr. Ruiz’s untimely death, the plan was never introduced or implemented throughout the organization. As one Of Don‘s siblings, my family and I have come up with a strategy so that Don’s dream could come a reality. The purpose of this body of work is to introduce strategies that may be used to bring effective change to the structure of leadership so Gene One can experience change successfully. A seven st ep proposal will be introduced so that change can be initiated. My family has illustrated our plan below in Table 1: Table 1: 7-Steps Used to Initiate the Change Strategy: The Present state or condition of Gene One The change strategy will discuss the current state or condition of Gene One as well as provide a brief synopsis of the company and the challenges it faces in the first step. Gene Created in 1996, Gene One, became the first biotech company of its kind to eliminate disease in tomatoes and potatoes through gene technology. Gene One’s development eradicated the use of pesticides that are used when growing these plants. In eight years Gene One grew to a $400 million dollar company. Recently, biotechnology has seen significant growth on Wall Street. Therefore Gene One, is considering beginning an IPO under the direction of the Board and Don Ruiz. Under the IPO Gene One is hoping the company will grown 40% annually. Ruiz wanted to initiate his plan in 3 years. Gene One must evaluate the structure of the leadership so that it may succeed as a public entity. An IPO must adhere to the requirements of the federal mandated Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA). There must be one member of the board that has financial experience according to SOA. The board must be comprised of three committees: compensation, auditing and nominating. Gene One must also shift from equity to cash. The company currently lacks the leadership experience with IPO which calls for a need to hire someone with the necessary knowledge and experience. The company is currently not in compliance with the SOA requirements. Due to the untimely death of Don Ruiz, the company is without a Chief Executive Officer. As the plan is implemented it is also critical to consider those individuals resistance to change. All of the aforementioned factors beg for a change in leadership. Explanation of Gene One’s Proposed Process Change Step 2 of our plan will discuss the proposed process and organizational structure change that will be implemented throughout Gene One. The current contract of each board member will undergo a revision. The new contracts will indicate that the board’s compensation will transition to cash. The Executive Board will consists of 7 seven members. At least one of the members must be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), with IPO experience and a Certified Auditor with experience in the bio-technology industry. Additionally, the board will establish the auditing, compensation, and nomination committee. Each potential board member and member of the executive team will be subjected to a thorough nationwide educational, employment, credit, and criminal background check prior to acceptance of the position. In addition all individuals in a leadership role throughout the company will undergo intense IPO training. Moreover, the current leadership will began a nationwide search for chang e agents that may replace current leaders or add to the organization. The vision of Gene One will be broadened to include the IPO. Furthermore, the leadership team will develop new process that provide for more accountability and transparency throughout the company. Competencies of Gene One’s Leadership Gene One is grateful to the current leaders for their dedication and hard work that has brought the company to where it is today. However, it is imperative that the competencies of the leaders be addressed and evaluated in this change strategy. Due to the overwhelming successful leadership of one of Gene One’s founders, Michelle Houghton, it has been decided that Mrs. Houghton will be named acting Chief Executive Officer. Mrs. Houghton will bring to the executive team her task oriented leadership style and her proven success rate in securing funding from government and private investors. It is further decided that Charles Jones will no longer serve the organization in his current role as Marketing Officer. Mr. Jones succeeded in branding Gene One but failed to design and implement a marketing structure. It is imperative that Mr. Jones be transferred to a non-supervisory position whereas he can focus on branding Gene One as an IPO utilizing hisgreat ideas, smart risk takin g, and biotechnology connections. He will be replaced by a marketing officer with a proven track record of initiating a successful IPO marketing campaign. Teri Robertson will remain in her current role as Chief Technology Officer. She has effectively mastered her position and it is the nation’s leader in the industry. Greg Thoman, the current Chief Human Resources Officer, will remain in his position; however, his job description will be reevaluated. Mr. Thoman’s responsibility will focus on staffing, recruiting, and Employee relations issues. Because he lacks the necessary experience to provide cultural change, we will immediately begin the search for a change agent. The change agent’s responsibility will be to effectively carry out the change strategy, and to ensure that the attitudes and behavior of all personnel remain beneficial to the company’s success. After the plan is effectively implemented, the change agent will be responsible for continually evaluating the change and preparing for future cultural growth. Capacity for Change within Gene One Step 4 calls for a discussion of the capacity for change within Gene One. According to Judge Robbins (2007), â€Å"Initial Public Option usually means when a company issues common stock or shares to the public for the first time.† Therefore one can assume that Wall Street may begin to drive the way Gene One does business. This is a dramatic change for the organization and will require a positive message being sent throughout the organization that lessens the fears that an individual may feel that their creativity and research ability will become controlled by investors. For eight years, Gene One has been conducting business as usual with a good level of success. In order to go form good to great the capacity for change is essential to the future growth of Gene One. The key in this step is to remain positive and create positive messaging. There is a strong capacity for change however, the leadership team must be on the same page and elicit support/buy-in from stakeholders, cust omers and employees. Capacity for Leadership Structure Teri Robertson as CTO, is one of Gene One’s most influential leaders. Recently she has expressed her discontentment of the change. As acting CEO, Michelle and the current board must have a one on one discussion with Ms. Robertson whereas she is reassured that the new change will not affect her autonomy to offer research in additional areas of study. Furthermore, a plan must be devised to assure that Gene One remains innovative and continues to birth the leading trends of the industry. Furthermore the change agent along with the executive team must keep all of their internal and external relationships intact. Rumors must be dispelled as soon as they are discovered and it is that a phenomenal marking plan is implemented to proactively counter negativity. Resources Necessary to Implement Change There are multiple resources and/or tools needed to implement the change strategy at Gene One. In order to ensure success of the IPO formation, the leadership team must conduct ample research on the types of investors Gene One seeks and secure at least 2-3 investment firms or underwriters willing to make the initial offer. Additionally, a signed certified financial statement must be developed and submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission and all SOA requirements must be met. In order to ensure success within the leadership structure, all leaders must receive IPO educational training along with literature explaining the process. Secure additional funding to introduce new products. A financial strategy must also be developed to maintain and stay within the budget restraints. In addition, new technologies will need to be ordered and a plan for marketing must be created. Temporary Goals The final step of this change strategy calls for setting temporary goals. The following goals must be completed within one year of this strategy: (1) Hire additional leadership personnel, (2) Create A New Business Model (3) Acquire capital needed for growth by identifying investors, (4) Provide a path to growing Profitability, (5) Significantly Improve Marketing structure, and (6) meet all state and federal mandates. Gene one is an extraordinary company. With the indispensable talents, leadership style, dedication, and knowledge base of its leadership team, our family is more than confident that the change strategy for the Initial public offering will be implemented successfully. Don Ruiz started this company with $2 million dollars and a dream, 8 years later it’s worth $400 million. This change strategy will allow for Gene One to increase its annual growth by 40%. As a team, let’s make it happen in the memory of Don Ruiz. References Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational behavior (12th ed.). Chapter 19: Organizational Change and Stress Management: Prentice Hall University of Phoenix. (2009). Gene One scenario. Retrieved March 25, 2010 from University of Phoenix, Week Five, LDR/531 Organizational Leadership Course, Class Materials web site. Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in organizations (6th ed.). Chapter 10: Leading Change in Organizations: Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Research Papers on Implementing ChangeAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringThe Project Managment Office SystemUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresPETSTEL analysis of IndiaOpen Architechture a white paperTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Latest vs. Last

Latest vs. Last Latest vs. Last Latest vs. Last By Maeve Maddox Chandan writes: I am confused between usage of word LATEST. Basically, it is being used in two opposite situations: 1. meaning late or last â€Å"Return my book latest by Monday† 2. meaning most recent â€Å"This is the latest book.† How is â€Å"latest† is used in 2 opposite contexts? English is often blamed for confusion and ambiguity that stems not from the language, but from the use of the language. As an adjective, latest has the meaning â€Å"most recent.† Ex. This is the latest book. Here’s the latest news. In order to use â€Å"latest† adverbially, with the meaning â€Å"at the last possible moment,† it needs to be placed in a phrase. Ex. Return my book on Monday at the latest. Here are some quotations with the correct use of the term on newspapers: jacket, the artist Christo stood on a platform looking over the Serpentine lake one April morning and watched his latest creation come to life. As ducks glided across the water, men in orange jumpsuits began assembling the installation ( of strategy and doctrine on cyberwarfare is less a product of inattention than of the still-early stage of this latest technology of destruction. The lack of doctrine and especially the lack of consensus on controlling destructive ( Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?Hang, Hung, HangedWood vs. Wooden

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Ideal Person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Ideal Person - Essay Example An ideal person is truthful to others and is honest in his deeds. He never fails or gives up his efforts of self-cultivation. He gives little importance to earthly gains. In The Analects of Confucius, translated by Charles Muller, Confucius states that, â€Å"The Gentleman has nothing to compete for. But if he must compete, he does it in an archery match, wherein he ascends to his position, bowing in deference. Descending, he drinks the ritual cup. This is the competition of the Gentleman† (as cited in Muller, 2010, 3:7). So, we see that a true Confucius gentleman does not waste his time in planning for worldly gains like prizes, awards, and property; rather, he is a man of standards thinking high above the earthly possessions. He is a well-determined person and a good sport in himself. He places morals and virtues above everything else. He stays composed in hard times and is an inspiration for others around him. This makes him an important part of the society. This is the principle according to which an ideal person inculcates in him a sense of modesty and self-control. An ideal person is well-mannered and respects his elders. He acts honorably and is not self-centered. It is good for him to be ambitious but those ambitions should not be achieved through unjust means. Social etiquettes and mannerism matter a lot. According to this principle, a person should develop love for his family and then for the whole society. When parents love their children and vice versa, this strengthens the family bond and the whole society benefits in the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Principles of Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principles of Business - Assignment Example The result might have been conflicts of interest that had negative effects on the financial health of the company. According to the company’s federal tax returns, financial dealings with companies that were owned by board members cost UPMC $10 million. $5 million worth of transactions between businesses connected to the board members were reported in the tax records (Roche Jr., 2010). In reviewing the financial activity, the concept of corporate governance becomes relevant. It is defined as the standards which are deemed as appropriate in the running of the company. Because the management of UPMC engaged in cozy business deals with insiders, costing the company $10 million, it clearly was not recommended by the corporate governance system. The concept of fair market value is also relevant. Because the transactions were affected by the board members’ relationships as reported by the press, the financial activity might not have been conducted at fair market value. A finan cial transaction is conducted at fair market value when the transaction happens at the rate that is set by the market mechanism. Because UPMC awarded contracts to the board members’ companies at favored rates, it cost the company $10 million, resulting in $489 million losses in 2009.